Wednesday, December 5, 2007

My Milk Is Radioactive

...Or so it seems.

The wonders that breakfast can bring are quite interesting, and oddly enough, magical.

Fact: Eating 'Lucky Charms' may in fact turn the milk green.

The joys of sitting down to the table bring back old memories of once being to young to do anything for myself. Waking up on beautiful Saturday morning, I would talk someone walking around the house into prepping me a bowl of cereal. Those were also the days that I had no worries, no problems, and didn't have to check my milk for radioactivity.

Times have changed, and I often feel like I have pulled a muscle in my life. Most of the time because I don't stretch before dreaming.

Finals are coming up, and I'm going to class. In case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight.

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