Monday, December 17, 2007

Don't let the bed bugs byte.

I've excited myself to the point of infirmity. Tonight-or this morning rather-I feel different than I've ever felt before. To a point where I'm letting myself feel and it's ok. To the point when I can accept change without being so analytical of my actions.

I feel I need to get away. Away from the chaos that is this society; this sort of deviant conformity we all live in if one is to call it that. It's been so hard to understand what I want, but I haven't been looking in the write places.

I can't write music to make an album, but I should write music to express and expand.
Wearing a headband doesn't mean I'm gay-its simply to keep my hair back and out of my face.
Feeling uncomfortable is only what is considered uncomfortable by others. No one would know or care otherwise.
I don't know why my 4am ramblings inspire me to write, but today they do.
Something tells me that my life is about to change.

I no longer feel the needs or wants of material possessions, because they haven't made me happy so far. All I long for is to use my gifts, and share the friendship I have to offer with others.

What I seek is an escape. A journey. An adventure. A trek. Anything to bring me closer to who I am.

I just felt like I needed to live in words for a moment. Goodnight sweet cyberspace.

Don't let the bed bugs byte.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Short Like The Power

Being home alone is great and all, but unfortunately its too cold to wander in the nude. My lack of a liaison at the Haut house has me scouring for food and projects, cutting wood is on the list, but not on the agenda.

That's about it, other than the fact that I'm still without cable, which leaves me without internet, which leaves me without a life. Or not.

Ta Ta, and don't forget to write.


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I'm Up To My Fryballs In Happiness

Quarter pounder:$2.15
Medium Dr. Pepper:$1.21

Hanging with the my McHappy friends: Epic

Today in Andyland there is power, but no internet. McDonalds holds the only regnant source of access to the world wide web of fun and fantasy in my interest. For the small price of listening to the vapid musical arrangement and the children scrambling about, I can check my email keep up-to-date on the whereabouts of Santa Clause.

I get to man the fort tomorrow because my parents are going to Texas for a job interview that my dad is interested in. This means I need to soon search for an apartment. Because of the high meal plan rates at Southern, living in an apartment will save me the money that I don't have. This meaning I should come out even in the end.

We got the power back at work today, so I went in, but we didn't work. Instead we watched youtube videos and procrastinated the work, blaming it on the faulty electricity problem. It was an easy day to ponder and wander, not to mention the random strolls through the office to cure the illness of boredom. Fact: Ab workouts DO loosen you up. I've made 5 trips to the bathroom today, all because of the workout I did the other night. I must have flexed my inner workings just right.

It is crucial that I find a more strategic approach to blogging at fast food eateries such as this. The only electrical outlet is near the door, a place I don't fancy because of the current atmospheric conditions. Each person that opens the door bestows upon me a cold rush of goosebumps and the sudden urges to use the lavatory. I'm not quite sure why, but when nature calls it doesn't leave a message, it calls back until I answer.

All is fun and games until someone has to use the bathroom, then its just a mission to block the door. Mr. Hamlet told me that at the country club one day, I think I finally understand.

I would like to leave you with these words to conclude.
Whoever said that money can't find happiness just didn't know where to shop.


Monday, December 10, 2007

Ice Ice Baby

Dear Ms. Windy Tuesday,

The weather here is nice, with a capital ICE. We slept on the floor in front of the warmth of the fire last night, until of course it went out. We woke up freezing with-produced by our body- the only heat rising. After scouring the house for blankets we found enough to make comfort in the frigid of my own home. The power blessed us with its presence around 10 am this morning; as for the rest of the town, not so much.

We spent the evening last night looking at the damaged remnants from fallen trees and power lines. It reminded me of a scene out of a zombie movie, only it was too cold for them to attack.

It's times like this that global warming doesn't worry me.

As I sit in the McDonald's parking lot I just watched a stop light go out and my windshield freeze over. The roads are less than iced but more on the slick side, its best you drive safely tonight. I waited for you at starbucks tonight, but you never showed. I bought you your favorite drink, I hope the thought was enough to count.

I'm a pioneer now. I started a fire with steel wool and a 9v battery. It's but a small toll to pay to keep oneself warm. Unless you have a dog/cat.

Tonight as I walk from the car to my house the atmosphere will grant me with its love: the wind will lightly kiss my cheek, the air and mist will bring out the roses in my face, and all will be to stay warm.

Love, A.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Oh Dahling, What Wonderful Hair You Have!

It is said that the loudest noise to the human ear is the sound of complete silence.
The sound of blood as it pumps past your ear drum is the loudest when no background noise is produced.
That is what I woke up to this morning, as the lack of electricity was absent in the walls.

It was loud; I went to church. The usual congregation filled up the seats, minus a few commuters.
After a wonderfully delicious and warm mint mocha I was pumped and ready to rock.

Christmas shoppers poured into the mall today; I was one of them. As I perused the complex of consumerism I was stopped by a foreign woman with a kiosk full of hair straighteners. She exclaimed "Oh dahling, what wonderful hair you have!" I thanked her with a smile and a bit of my Irish charm. Soon after I found myself sitting down getting my hair straightened, and listening to the offer that we both knew I would refuse, for I was not in need of a straightener, but simply enjoy the feel of someone touching my hair.

Wal*Mart is closed today. I found that out while pulling up to the parking lot in need of batteries. It's a shame, for I now sit in starbucks for the use of their a/c outlet and wifi. I do suppose however that this is the way God intended us to live, and we just need a sacrifice of tree limbs and electricity to notice it. As far as the power issue goes, I'm not too worried, for maybe I can study for finals now. Or maybe I'll enjoy a good Sudoku.

Stay warm, and remember-if the powers out, call Andy Haut.


Thursday, December 6, 2007

I need to Katchup

The drizzle on the windows; the light breeze coming into the eatery where I sit and do just that; this is all a sign of finals, winter, and the lack of interest I have for the conversation going on next to me:

Girl #1-"Usually I just take a pair of gloves from my daughter's day care. They never know they're gone."

Girl#2-"I heard it might snow."

People these days can't spell ADD, but they can sure live it.

I have to be at work in -9 minutes. I will spend 6 hours balancing work and studying for finals.
Then I will venture to the YMCA so I can "do whatever I feel."

This is what I look like today. This is me 5 hours of sleep, two chicken strips, and 5 term paper revisions later.

Later friends

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Drowning In The Stream of Consciousness

The mind can do powerful things to the body. You can tell yourself to panic, or to stay calm, depending on the conditions. I just finished watching 'Flight 93' and it was extravagantly made. I can't imagine what those people went through, but I would've probably attempted the same thing if in their position. It's odd to think that it was only 7 years ago that the 9/11 tragedy had occurred. But yet it seems so long ago at the same time.

Sometimes I wonder if reminding myself of the past is good or not.
Maybe I'm putting fear in my mind.
Maybe I should stick to comedy central.

Whatever the case may be, I believe that my future and fate is inevitable; perhaps I should live in the here, and the now.

Lately I've been most concerned with taking care of myself. I found that I can get my hair to look the best if I only shower every 3 days.

I'll stay fresh, it just takes a little getting dirty.
Goodnight Joplin, stay classy.

My Milk Is Radioactive

...Or so it seems.

The wonders that breakfast can bring are quite interesting, and oddly enough, magical.

Fact: Eating 'Lucky Charms' may in fact turn the milk green.

The joys of sitting down to the table bring back old memories of once being to young to do anything for myself. Waking up on beautiful Saturday morning, I would talk someone walking around the house into prepping me a bowl of cereal. Those were also the days that I had no worries, no problems, and didn't have to check my milk for radioactivity.

Times have changed, and I often feel like I have pulled a muscle in my life. Most of the time because I don't stretch before dreaming.

Finals are coming up, and I'm going to class. In case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight.

Monday, November 12, 2007

E=MC scared

In 15 minutes I have algebra, a subject that I have yet to get excited about. As monday, Wednesday and Friday roll past, I find myself lost in the world of Sudoku and sketches. The complication that I share with the subject of numbers is one that I can't get into without trying to get out of. If math were a girl, and we were in some sort of relationship, I would be the guy who doesn't know how to tell her that I hate her inequality, and her numerators and denominators confuse me. She is the one that deceived me into thinking I had more money in my bank account than I did, and shes the one that makes me older every second of my life.

I still find myself pinching pennies when it comes to my current financial status. Though I have a job, I pretend like I'm broke, so maybe I will be pleasantly surprised when I'm able to pay off my credit card. Maybe its one of those subconscious ways of taking control of things.

Maybe I'm just weird.