Friday, March 12, 2010

What value does love hold if it isn't shared?

Dear Spring,

I've been limited.
My roots held with ice,
As of gloves, coats, blankets...
I've asked of warmth of these.
But I'd forsake them all for your sweet kiss.
You dream of dewdrops,
You sing of orchids white,
You breathe.
You sweep wind of new life unto the Earth as fireflies in the garden of Autumn.
You bring the beggars of the city a sigh of relief.
Of Hope.
Oh, please bring us joy in the morning finch.
And of the flowers bring us growth,
And of the growth bring us height enough to reach our Father's stars,
So that we may desire, ask, believe, receive.
Dearly beloved, may we be free.
From the shackles of language,
May we be free.
From our dimly lit path of such vision we seek,
May we be free.
From the crust of our knowledge of measurable time,
May we be free.
For your sweet release is more precious than jewels.
May we be free.


Just a thought.

Look at the clouds as they roll; as they cry for us.
Look at the stars as they glorify their creator. they guide us through the night, they shine for us.
Look at the trees of the forests.
..they grow mighty and free for us.
Look to the sunlight as it pours upon the Earth.
Is it not but a most beautiful source?
Oh, and how great it is to witness the most beautiful dance in creation,
As the moon dances among the stars!!
These are few of what keep me strong.
What's a little financial trouble here and there?
What's a little pain and heartache?
Is it not all worth the gift of birth?

We are here.
How beautiful is this place?
Are we not SO blessed?
We inhabit the earth
God's earth.
So here we are, on such sacred ground.

Let us not be afraid to open our hearts.
To share our love.
For what value does love hold if it isn't shared?

Just a thought.
Your friend, Andy.

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