Monday, June 22, 2009

Stoked On Gravity

Today was a day different from most I've had in the past few years. A certain attentiveness in the air; something that stays on you and makes you feel aware of your surroundings. It was probably just my sweat. It was rather hot today in Jtown.

Little or no breeze.

I miss her dearly. I dropped her off last Thursday and I've yet to see her. She's blistering in the heat of the gravel parking lot, most likely holding the now melted collection of CD's, and has left no bacteria to survive. She holds in the summer heat like a Hot Pocket. We try to enjoy but end up in deception of her burn. The hot-pocket-lava is to the seatbelt buckle touching your neck. I've been cheating on her with dad's buick.

On a drive to hastings today I saw some of the most inspiring words ever written by anyone. It was a man on the corner of 7th st. and Murphey Blvd. holding a cardboard sign that read "Anything would help. Even-A-Smile. God Bless You." This got me. Any money I was about to spend on music or anything else in the store seemed criminal. I couldn't even concentrate on browsing the selections the store had to offer after seeing the magnificent stranger.

I left my cupidity at the curb and bought him the biggest bottle of water I could find, and gave it to him thanking him for his positive attitude. It's people like him that spread joy in love on even the hottest days of summer. "Even A Smile."

The drive home left me in a world of ponder. Today I felt more alive than I had in a long time.

This life is it.

It's all we have. I'm not denying an afterlife by any means, but our earthly life is it.
We need to EMBRACE our moments of sadness, despair, heartbreak and fear, for they are the moments that show us what happiness really is. Without them, happiness doesn't exist.

I'm only thankful that gravity keeps me on the ground with the people I know.
I'm stuck on earth with the most intelligent beings in creation.
I'm stuck here with people to love, and learn from.
I'm stuck here to develop courage.
I'm stoked on gravity.

Here's a memorable quote from the movie "Charlie Bartlett" to take with you:
"Charlie Bartlett: I just think you're missing the big picture.
Kip Crombwell: What big picture?
Charlie Bartlett: The universe.
Kip Crombwell: What about the universe?
Charlie Bartlett: Well, the universe is a pretty big place.
Kip Crombwell: Yea. It's infinite, theoretically.
Charlie Bartlett: Right, which means there's probably life on other planets.
Kip Crombwell: Not life like we think, but yeah. Probably at least single-cell organisms.
Charlie Bartlett: Well, see, that's my whole point. I mean you could've been born a single cell organism on the planet Zortex. In fact, given the odds, it's probably more likely, but you weren't. You we're born a human being. And not just any human being in the history of human beings, but a human being that gets to be alive today. That gets to listen to all kinds of music, that gets to eat food from every culture. So really, you have everything to live for.

Live. Laugh. Learn. Listen. Lend. Lead. Lick. List. Love.

In Joy Your Day,

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