Friday, June 12, 2009

The shower hit me at a different angle today

I'm having one of those days today.
I'm rushing on this cd deadline, but can't quite get the EQ right on some tracks.
A headache has decided to push against the back of my eyes at the worst time possible.
I'm out of deodorant and its down to the point that the plastic push-up thingy is scratching my pit.
My clothes don't quite fit right today.
..and I have to work in an hour.
Have you had one of these days lately?

It's one of those moments like you need an escape from reality, a need to drive for an hour, like you need to take your brain out and wash it of the crud that builds up week after week.

I haven't checked my personal spedometer, but I'm pretty sure I'd be pulled over for thinking too fast. Maybe even arrested. The breathalyzer would read "point of exhaustion" and the line for me to walk would be on the ceiling.

I've decided to give the keys to someone else for now.
To all my beautifully patient friends, the CD may come a little later than Tuesday.

I just need to give the headache some breathing room, and open the window of my mind. I need to take this CD one track at a time. I need to go deodorant shopping. I need to smile at a stranger, and make a new friend. As for my clothes, I think they need their alone time. I think I'll take some time to just be free. That's exactly why I'm writing this. Naked.

In Joy Your Day,

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