Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Now It's Easy, Getting Easier Pt. 1

It's a Wednesday in December.
3:01 PM
...and you're about to read the longest blog I've ever written.
I guess its a "why" of how I've been feeling lately.
...and you're most likely in it....

Did it all get real?

...I guess it's real enough


Here's Laura
She is proof that a relationship can end, and at the same time continue forever.
She and I broke up, but still get along and love each other.
She had to move.
She has different beliefs, which is wonderful.
She taught me so much in the time we had together.
I remember when we'd lay out under the stars, lost and in love.
A love I'd dreamed of.

She is what saved me. She's the reason I'm still alive.

I continue to work on my relationship with God.
Through all the crap I go through emotionally, I still talk to him.
I've seen him every day in my parents.
I see him through those alone who keep to themselves, but still hold a smile.

That's what saved me. That's how I'm still alive.

The Life Band
I play guitar in our church's contemporary worship service.
It's called the life band.
Where people can come to life, like I do each week.
I couldn't ask for better band mates.
A place to not only worship my maker, but to laugh each week.
I am in love with life every sunday morning and at practice monday night.

That's what saved me. That's how I'm still alive.

My Family
Anymore, I've been closer to my mom than I have been in quite some time.
We get along better.
She shows that she cares, every single day.
My dad gets me through so much.
Without him I'm lost.
I owe my life to my parents.
I owe my health to my parents.
I owe it all to my parents.
I see my brother Jon's struggle every day.
I love him.
I'm sad for him, but I try to be here for him, when I can.
I know he's gunna be just fine.
He takes care of us.
My brother David, his wife and his beautiful daughter have their own life.
They still love us, they're just distant.
Last night David called me, and at the end of the phone call I got to talk to my niece.
She can't say much yet, but she said "Hi" and "I love you."
That brought me love.

That's what saved me. That's why I'm still alive

Let's not shit ourselves.....

.....and love to be loved

I'm staring at the sun, waiting for it to explode...
...because the day is gunna come. I don't know when but it will come.

There's this girl
I won't mention her name, but there is this girl I met a few months ago. I met her through a common friend at a party, and thought she was beautiful. She had eyes to get lost in, a great body, outgoing personality-you know, the kind of girl a guy like me could never get. She made me feel hopeful, liked, and happy.

After awhile she really showed interest in me, and i really thought something was possible here.
She offered a place in her bed next to her.
She cancelled plans for me.
She led me on.
She stopped talking to me and started sleeping with (having sex) some guy.
A guy that treated her terribly.
(mind you she and I had no physical relationship.)
Most of all, she said "I love you"

I love you is something that should never be thrown around meaninglessly. Which is exactly what happened.
Saying I love you is a gift. NOT a lie.

That's what killed me, that's how I died.

My "friends"
Other than the 2 REAL friends I have in who live in springfield, my "friends" here have been less than supportive.
I ask for help, you are busy.
I ask to talk, you will another time.
I'm hurting, and you're hiding.
What am I through your eyes?
A loser.
A loner.
A hypocrite.
A reject.
Sucks to be him.
You're dead to me; as I am now to you.

That's what killed me. That's how I died.

Off on my own tangent
I've wanted to do this for awhile:
Your cell phone is not your baby. You can live without it.
Don't tell me how to live right and go sleep with that guy. Don't lie, I heard you.
Vegetarianism is not the right way; animals were created to be eaten.
Don't tell me you're broke, you leave town every weekend to go party.
Yes, that DOES make you look fat.
Quit making excuses
Don't tell my my music is good when the cd I gave you hasn't moved since I gave it to you.
Guess what? I hope you're pregnant!
The truth hurts.

Step1: Open Ass
Step2: Insert Head

You might think I'm an asshole now.
You're probably right.
But I guess now you see me the way I've seen you.


1 comment:

Bloylawson said...

Dearest Andy,
I loved your rant. You needed to say this for a long time. People are going to say that you are crazy for saying this but who gives a shit?This girl should not have led you on and what does this tell you about her? Do you need her? NO. Can you do better? Yes. Many of girls would love to be with you. Believe me, my ex is one of them. I have disowned many of my friends this year and sometimes this is the best thing to do when they hurt you. Jon Reed was my best friend and he royaly pissed me off and that showed me what type of person he is. I wish the best for you andy and I will always be there for you. You can count me in as the 3rd for your two real friends. Just know I am hear for you. Cheer up honey!!!